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  1. We gather and analyze information

  2. We begin preliminary discussions with officials

  3. We identify the necessary steps

  4. We provide an estimated range of potential benefits and savings

Strategic Assessment

Phase I 

  1. We design, develop and execute a plan based upon the strategic assessment

  2. We gether additional project information

  3. We meet with officials regarding you incentive plan

  4. We negotiate an incentive package with officials

  5. We secure incentive proposals from officials 


Phase II

  1. We prepare any required documentation

  2. We attend planning sessions and public meetings regarding your incentives

  3. We obtain final approval of the incentive package

  4. We secure your incentives


Phase III

  1. We create compliance timelines to assist in your monetization of your incentives

  2. We help establish compliance with any procedures that apply to your incentives




& Monitoring


Phase IV

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